How it all started…

In ancient times, many years ago, the Spartan warriors were known all over the world for their courage and energy in battle. 

Legend has it that the Spartans reached this status not only thanks to grueling training, but also thanks to a satisfying and varied sex life that no one else in Greece enjoyed(Why do you think they are nude in paintings and almost nude in the film? It because they were always getting busy before battle).

Also, the Spartans were the first to try sex toys. It wasn’t easy to master, at first they tried spears (hey, we said they were brave, not smart) but after few painful attempts they got on the track. Now, since they knew that their women are extremely satisfied before they left for battle, they were more focused and thats how they built they reputation.

Now, fast forward about 2000 years.

We progressed from spears to dildos and vibrators (and we made progress! We have vibes and dolls with AI now that are smarter than some people we know!), and if you look at the research – you will find that sexually satisfyed pepole are more likely to find meaning in life, more happy and more successful. Is that sounds familiar?

Whatever gender or sexual oritantion you idenify with – sex toys are good for you. They are good for you relationships and that’s just because they turn something fun to something even more fun and making the difference between “at least you tried, that all that matter” and “HOLY SHIT, YES!!!!” in some situations.

Oh, and by the way:

some of the facts presented above are totally made up. Don’t blame us, you shouldn’t believe everything you read online. What you should do is buy from us and that becaaaaauuuuse:

1.Our products come with 1 year warranty.

2.Free returns within 30 days

3. Full discretion

4 Free shipping over 50 EUR

5.Over 9000 items and counting

6 Free gift with every order over 100 EUR

7. You can earn loyalty points and save money on next orders

8. We are really nice!

And what we’re here to prove:

  • We’re here to prove that you don’t need to be rich to enjoy high quality sex toys.
  • We’re here to prove that pepole should be proud of their sexuality and in the modern world, sex toys is a way to have fun and should not be considered taboo.
  • We’re here to prove that with some effort and a lot of lube – anything is possible! Yes, even to insert a dildo thicker than your arm!

So have fun shopping on our website in the juroney to explore your body and reach new heights of climax, and if you need any help – just contact us here.

